Moon or not, the skies cleared nicely on Sunday evening and so I set up to image SN2016coj. Being able to image a supernova in a year is a privilege, two in the same month is almost unheard of!
I've not imaged NGC4125 (a 10th-magnitude elliptical galaxy in Draco) before so I have nothing to compare against, but the word on the internet is that the supernova is very obvious. Alas, as can be seen in the image, the supernova itself is almost brighter than the nucleus of the galaxy itself. Here is the image I captured.
The forecast for the next week is not looking good, and the moon will be waxing large. But if SN2016coj continues to brighten it may really make for a good image in the next couple of weeks. If it starts to dim, so be it - I'll be able to compare it against earlier images.
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