Saturday, July 3, 2021

My Attempt at the Pillars of Creation

Back in July and August of 2020 I imaged M16, the Eagle nebula, which contains, at it's center, what has become one of the Hubble telescopes famous images - the Pillars of Creation. I used my EdgeHD11 telescope to close in on the central portion of the nebula where the pillars reside.

The processing of the image took much effort, and every time I completed the final image I was not pleased with the results. 

Last week I tried a new technique for processing these images and together with some new software I was finally able to get a good result. So here is my version of the Pillars of Creation, in narrowband, Hubble palette.

M16 - Pillars of Creation - July/August 2020
EdgeHD-11 at f/11 with ASI1600mm pro
13 hours Ha, O3, S2 Narrowband w/RGB stars added

Complete details can be found at Astrobin

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