Wednesday, February 18, 2015

M42 - Orion Nebula

Now with PixInsight processing figured out I'm re-processing some of my latest images. So here is the Orion Nebula, again.

M42 - EdgeHD1100 w/Hyperstar
100x30sec ISO800

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Updated Horsehead and Flame Nebula

Discovered a problem with the way my software was stacking the images. Once corrected, the shadow artifacts were almost completely removed and the low contrast was fixed. The final image was much improved.  I will be re-doing some earlier images as well to see what improvements I can get. So here is the updated version of the Horsehead and Flame Nebulae.

Improved Horsehead

Interstellar technology throws light on spinning black holes

The team responsible for the Oscar-nominated visual effects at the center of Christopher Nolan’s epic Interstellar have turned science fiction into science fact by providing new insights into the powerful effects of black holes.

Astronomy magazine has the full article.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

More Fun with Hyperstar

Still learning how to use the new Hyperstar I acquired this month, and although the use of my Canon 50D causes some problems with using the Hyperstar to its full capabilities I am still able to capture some amazing photos. Spend about 3 hours on February 13th to capture some cool images. When the clouds started to roll in at 10:00 I dismantled the equipment. In retrospect I should have waited about an hour as the skies cleared again. With clear and transparent skies at a premium in Maryland I should have waited and so I missed an opportunity to capture another 2-3 hours of images. Oh well.

First up is comet Lovejoy, which is now very high in the NW sky and getting fainter every day. The Hyperstar made it fairly easy to capture the comet and the tail.

Lovejoy - Feb 13, 2015
80x30sec ISO800 EdgeHD-1100 w/Hyperstar f/2
I also tried to capture the Horsehead nebula in Orion. Had I waited for the skies to clear I could have gotten at least another 50-100 subs to add to the image. This photo suffers from some of the image artifacts due to the 50D's large footprint, but I'll be able to add more subs to the mix and reprocess this wonderful nebula later this month.

Horsehead and Flame Nebula
60x30sec ISO800 EdgeHD-1100 w/Hyperstar f/2
All in all, I'm really pleased with the performance of the Hyperstar. Cuts my imaging time to less than 1/20th of the normal times, and provides a much wider field of view.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Say cheese! Hubble telescope captures extraterrestrial smiley face

Smiley face from deep space - (

Kinda creepy in a way. This image is the result of gravitational lensing, where an object (in this case a group of massive galaxies) bend the light from objects behind them. In essence the galaxy cluster acts as a lens focusing the light into contorted and stretched images.

See the full article here.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

First Light with Hyperstar-III

I've waited 2 full weeks for the weather to clear, the moon to disappear, and the wind to die down. And last night I was finally able to try out my new Hyperstar on the EdgeHD 1100. I picked M42, the Orion Nebula, for the first test and after taking 50 x 20sec subs with an LP filter here's my first result, processed in PI and PSP.

M42 - Orion Nebula
50x20sec ISO800 - EdgeHD 1100 w/Hyperstar

Then I targeted the Pleiades star cluster, M45. I’ve always wanted to see if I could get the subtle blue nebulosity to show and with the Hyperstar, success!

M45 - Pleiades
50x20sec ISO800 - EdgeHD 1100 w/Hyperstar
These are only the first test images of the new equipment. Once I get the calibration done and the proper flats applied (should eliminate the light smudgy areas around the image) I should be able to extract more detail and keep the backrgound dark.


Venus Shines Bright

The planet Venus will be the brightest object in evening sky on Valentine's Day. Kinda neat since in Roman mythology, Venus was the godd...