Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Lunar-X

While testing out the new adjustments I made to my mount software and camera hardware, I took a quick image of the moon. Wasn't really interested in keeping them, they were just for testing focus points, But then I noticed that I had captured the famous Lunar-X (and Y). They are optical features on the moon, visible when the moon’s terminator, the position between light and dark on the moon, is located in just the right place, you can see what appears to be the letters "X" and "Y". A serendipitous capture, I post-processed a single frame and posted here.

Lunar X and Y
EdgeHD-11; ASI2600; 0.002 seconds f/10
May 18, 2021 - 8:10 PM

Close up

For more information on the Lunar-X see the article in EarthSky.

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