Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Radio Telescope damaged - SpaceTime is weird - Asteroid Near Miss

Arecibo Observatory Damaged

A broken cable caused severe damage at Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory, causing a suspension of operations for one of the world's largest single-dish radio telescopes.

Broken cable damages giant radio telescope in Puerto Rico 

Complete story at: 

Spacetime is Weird

For those of you who are interested in special and general relativity, spacetime and all that stuff, this is a really good read. Ethan Siegel, senior contributor at Forbes does a really great job of explaining some of the mysteries of our universe - indeed our very existence.

Both space and time coordinates are needed to describe an object in our Universe.

Read the article at Forbes

Record Breaking Close Encounter

A car-sized asteroid just made the closest-known approach to Earth without actually colliding with the planet. And researchers didn't even know about it until hours after it had already passed.

Asteroid 2020 QG, formerly known as ZTFoDxQ, zoomed past Earth on Sunday at 12:08 a.m. EDT, getting as close as 1,830 miles away. It marks the closest asteroid flyby ever recorded in which the object actually survived, according to NASA. (CBS News)

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