Friday, November 23, 2018

The Wizard Nebula in SHO (The Hubble Palette)

Thanksgiving night was a good clear evening, and I wanted to get some Sii subs to add to the Wizard Nebula that I imaged earlier this month. Since NB imaging can be done even in moonlit skies, and with no more clear nights in the near future, I decided to go ahead and capture about 100 minutes of Sii light even though there was a near full moon out.

The result was not too bad. Here is the redo of the Wizard Nebula in SHO, known as the Hubble Palette, since the Hubble telescope frequently images in this way:  Sii ->Red, Ha ->Green and Oiii ->Blue.

The resultant image shows that I really need to add much more data to get a cleaner, less noisy image; probably another 2 hours of each filter.

NGC 7380 - The Wizard Nebula
November 10,11 and 22, 2018
GT102 (f/5.6) with ASI1600mm Pro Camera
15x60sec RGB; 10x300sec Ha and Oiii; 20x300sec Sii

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