Thursday, January 30, 2014

Supernova in M82 imaged

Well the skies finally cleared for me to attempt to photograph the new supernova in the Cigar Galaxy, M82. My equipment was acting a bit finicky - I had some trouble getting the new power cords and dew prevention heaters set-up and I couldn't get the balance on the scope correct to prevent image drifting. So with clouds starting to form just north and west I had to settle for short exposures. Here is the result. The greenish cast and the horizontal bands are artifacts of the noise in the image since I really stretched the light curves quite a bit to get the galaxy to come through with only 10 second subs.
M82 with Supernova 2014J marked
120 seconds (12x10sec subs), ISO3200, EdgeHD-11 Prime Focus 
It appears that the nova is about Mag 10.5 or 10.6 based on the examination of stars in the local vicinity. Not an accurate comparison since the camera sensor will make some stars appear brighter based on their color, but as a rough estimate, I'm probably in the ball park. 

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