Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Astronomy News

Birth of black hole witnessed, marking watershed moment for astronomy

This week a momentous event occurred somewhere in the universe ... and an “armada of instruments” from all over the world saw it produce a gamma ray burst more powerful than what many researchers believed theoretically possible. Many think this was the collapse of a giant star and the birth of a black hole, something that has never been observed while the event is taking place! This will go down in history as a “Rosetta stone moment” for astronomy.  Check out the full story here.

See Comet ISON Slingshot Around Sun: Live SOHO Spacecraft Views

Astronomers all over the world are training their eyes and telescopes on Comet ISON as it approaches its closest distance to the sun on Thursday (Nov. 28), with several unblinking space telescopes offering live views of the comet's solar encounter. Live coverage of the event can be viewed from

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