Thursday, November 7, 2024

Join us at the Soldiers Delight Star Party - November 16, 2024

Soldiers Delight Star Party - November 16, 2024

"Exploring the Wonders of Our Solar System: A Journey Across Planetary Realms."

Tonight, we embark on a cosmic voyage, traversing the vast expanse of space to unveil the marvels and mysteries that inhabit our celestial neighborhood. We will embark on a grand tour of our solar system, from the scorching inferno of Mercury to the icy depths of the Kuiper Belt. Along the way, we will encounter gas giants adorned with swirling storms, rocky worlds scarred by eons of cosmic collisions, and icy moons harboring secrets of their own.

November Highlights

Meteor Showers

Southern Taurids: Peaking on November 4-5, this shower is known for its bright fireballs.
Northern Taurids: Following closely, this shower peaks on November 11-12 and often aligns with the Southern Taurids for a double meteor show.
Leonids: Known for their swift, bright meteors, the Leonids peak on November 17-18.

Planetary Views

Venus: Becoming more prominent in the western evening sky.
Jupiter: Visible in the east, shining brightly among the stars of Taurus.
Saturn: Located in the south, with its stunning rings visible through a telescope.
Mars: Increasing in brightness throughout the month, visible in the late evening.
Mercury: An evening object, though challenging to view due to its low position on the southwest horizon.


Beaver Moon: The fourth and final supermoon of 2024, offering a spectacular view.


Orion: The beautiful constellation of Orion rises in the early evening, a favorite for stargazers.

All programs are Rain or Shine. All ages.
Time machines will be provided by the Westminster Astronomy Club.

Activity: Making a Comet

Date: Saturday, November 16, 2024

Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time


Jupiter with moon shadows

It's been a long time since I have attempted any planetary photography since I'm generally a DSO (Deep Space Object) imager.  So, wh...