Sunday, March 28, 2021

Additional Info on the ASI2600 and Small Filters

With the cloudy skies, or clear skies with a near full moon and/or other activities keeping me real busy (Easter choral group rehearsals as choral director at Crosslife Bible Church) I haven't been able to continue with my testing of the new ASI2600mm, and I'm still waiting for a new OAG to arrive so that I can mount it on my EdgeHD-11.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I was worried that the 31mm filters would cause serious vignetting on my subs. My first experiment showed that cropping the subs about 10-15% yielded very good results. However, it turns out that with good flats I was able to use the entire sensor and achieve rather excellent results. Here is a simple post-processed image of the Seagull Nebula in Ha.

Seagull Nebula - 4x300sec Ha
GT102 f/5.5

This is very promising. Of course, more testing is needed with all the various filter types, LRGB and the full NB set. And, I still need to test on the Edge.

Venus Shines Bright

The planet Venus will be the brightest object in evening sky on Valentine's Day. Kinda neat since in Roman mythology, Venus was the godd...