Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Random Rocket - Emerald Fire

High performance 3" fiberglass rocket. Test launch back in November 2012. Carries a GPS telemetry head in the nose cone.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Random Rocket Image - Talon-2

This is the Talon-2, a 6" diameter, 10' tall rocket. Used to get my Level 3 certification back in 2010.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Build log moved

Building details of the Gizmo-XLDD can now be found on the 'Current Project' page.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Building the Gizmo-XLDD

Welcome to XCalRockets' new blog!

Not sure what exactly I'm going to be blogging about, but to get this thing going I'm entering the log of my latest rocket project - the Wildman Gizmo-XLDD!  This is the 'stretched' Gizmo with Dual Deploy capability. All fiberglass, this thing weighs a ton! She has room for a big motor though with the 98mm motor tube. I'm planning a maiden flight on something a little smaller, say an L820-SK.

Building of this beast started this July after spending a few days weighing all the parts, entering them into RockSim and checking the fit. Then another day sanding and prepping - got to make sure the fiberglass is roughed-up so the epoxy can really grab-hold. Here are a few pics showing my progress ...

Here's the booster section ...
...injecting the epoxy...
 ...and a look inside to see the fillets forming nicely.

Jupiter with moon shadows

It's been a long time since I have attempted any planetary photography since I'm generally a DSO (Deep Space Object) imager.  So, wh...